How Our Service Works
How Our Service Works

1. Choose your items.
Browse our online menu and “Add to Cart” all of the meals and items you wish to order. You can also search by meal name or code if you already know what you would like.
Click on the button below to receive your free printed menu.
2. Place your order.
Once you’ve added all the items on your wish-list to your cart, simply checkout by clicking on the filled cart in the top right corner of the website and following the instructions to complete your order.
3. Enjoy free delivery!*
We’ll arrange your delivery date and bring your order directly to your door. Our drivers will even put your meals in your freezer if you’d like!
*some conditions may apply.
4. No contracts. No subscriptions. And in many cases, no tax!
Simply order what you want, when you want, with no obligation to place a regular order. We do not charge tax on our meals or soups (desserts are subject to applicable taxes).
When your order arrives, you can pay the driver by cash or cheque if you haven’t already made a secure online payment with your credit card.
Please note that we also accept Veterans Affair Allowances.